Rob Van Raaphorst

Senior Vice President   

Rob Van Raaphorst is a senior leader with 20 years of experience in Republican politics and communications. Prior to joining Rational 360, he was Vice President of Communications at the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), where he worked closely with the CEO, and other senior leadership, to develop and execute the association’s public affairs strategy. This included managing a staff that was responsible for executive communications, media relations, internal communications, social media, and grassroots advocacy.

Rob previously served as Press Secretary and Senior Advisor at the Republican Governors Association where he worked on dozens of campaigns. Additionally, he has significant ties to the Trump administration including  the White House and various federal agencies.

He has worked at a variety of global and political public affairs firms, including Burson-Marsteller, DCI Group and R&R Partners. While at these firms, he oversaw programs and provided counsel to Fortune 500 companies in the financial services, energy, and telecommunications industries.

He holds a Bachelor of Science in Communications from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

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