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Key Online Influencers to Kamala Harris’s Inner Circle

• July 25, 2024

Rational 360 leveraged social media data to uncover who influences Vice President Kamala Harris’s “inner circle.” By mapping online influence, Rational 360 has new insight into the connections between media and power in a potential new Administration.

Our Process for Identifying Key Influencers on  the “Inner Circle” of VP Harris:

Step 1: Build & Sort

Rational 360 identified a list of 62 users considered part of the Kamala Harris inner circle, found through reporting in POLITICO and federal databases of WH staff, further qualified through open source research. The full list of Vice President Harris’ “inner circle” is below:

Step 2: Identify & Quantify

Rational 360  mapped the Harris “inner circle” members to Twitter/X profiles and discovered which accounts they mutually follow. The number of “inner circle” members to follow an account determines that account’s Influencer Score. 

Step 3: Categorize & Analyze

Rational 360 organized Influencers with the highest Influencer Scores were sorted into six categories, the top ten of which are included in this report. 

  1. Media Figures: Journalists, Show Hosts (TV, Podcast, Radio, & Online News), and Other News Personne
  2. News Outlets: Broadcast, Online, or Print Organizations that Provide News
  3. Political Figures: Current, Prospective, or Former Traditionally-Elected Government Officials
  4. Policy Influencers: Individuals with a Vested Interest in Policy, Not Elected Through Traditional Voting (Ex: Elected By Committee, Not the American People)
  5. Political / Policy Organizations: Policy-Driven NGOs, PACs, Non-Profits, Think Tanks, Campaign Committees, Legislative Committees, or Polling organizations.
  6. Non-Policy Influencers: Those Outside of the Political Space, Such as Celebrities or Religious Figures 

This document will detail key findings and map out paths for how your business or organization can influence power in the nation’s capital.

Contact us to start targeting the key influencers poised to shape a Harris agenda today with Pinpoint Targeting by Rational 360.

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